KioEMVDevice Class

This class supports running Chip Card (EMV Card) Credit Card transactions in JavaScript. It provides support for all of the EMV intregrations in KioWare. In order to use these functions, all necessary dependencies for the integration being used must already be installed and configured correctly. It is recommended that you use the standard EMV test page to verify that functionality beforehand.

Most functions run asynchronously, and fire a callback when they have completed their operation. This callback will receive a KioEMVResult object as an argument.


Type Signature
bool CancelTransaction(string)
Attempts to cancel an in-progress transaction, and returns the result via the OnKioEMVTransactionCompleted callback. For Shift4 devices, this will also effectively reset the device
bool Confirm(string)
Finalizes an unconfirmed PreAuth transaction and returns the result via the OnKioEMVTransactionCompleted callback.
KioTransStates GetState(string)
Gets current device state.
int GetStatus(string deviceName = null)
Gets general device status.
KioDeviceStatus GetStatusEx(string deviceName = null)
Gets detailed device status.
bool Payment(string)
Performs a PreAuth payment transaction for the requested amount and returns the result via the OnKioEMVTransactionCompleted callback. The transaction must then be confirmed.
bool RequestTMSUpdate(string)
Sends a request for a terminal update to the terminal management system.
bool Reset(string)
Causes a device to reset itself, usually clearing the display.
bool Sale(string)
Performs a single step sale transaction for the requested amount and returns the result via the OnKioEMVTransactionCompleted callback.
bool TransactionInquiry(string)
Sets a new idle message for the device.
bool SetIdleMessage(string)
Sets a new idle message for the device.
bool SetParameters(string)
Performs an initial device parameter load.
bool Void(string)
Voids an unconfirmed PreAuth transaction and returns the result via the OnKioEMVTransactionCompleted callback.
bool VoidSale(string)
Voids a previous Sale transaction in the batch that has not yet been settled.

Page Callbacks

Type Signature
Callback OnKioEMVTransactionCompleted(KioEMVResult)
This callback is fired whenever a transactional operation is requested from one of the KioEMVDevice methods.
Callback OnKioEMVStateChanged(KioTransStates)
This callback is fired whenever a framework alerts KioWare that the device is performing a different stage of the transaction.

Related Types

Type Signature
Class EMVRequestInput
This class contains a collection of all possible arguments needed to initiate an EMV transaction with any integration supported by KioWare.
Class ProductDescriptor
This object allows KioWare to send general transaction information to the payment processor. These are mandatory for FreedomPay integrations.
Class KioEMVResult
This object provides the result of the last corresponding KioEMVDevice method call. The availability and meaning of some of the members of this class will vary depending on which EMV integration is used.
Enum EMVTransactionDeviceCmds
A list of operation types available within the KioWare EMV Framework.
Enum ResultTypes
A list of result dispositions for a handled transaction request.
Enum KioTransStates
A list of possible EMV framework transaction states.
Class ReceiptLineItem
An object that provides a line item of receipt data for a completed transaction.