KioOmronEnviroSensor Class

This class provides support for interacting with the Omron Environment Sensor device.


Type Signature
DeviceInfo GetDeviceInfo(string)
Provides device information for the specified Omron Environment Sensor
string GetTimeCounter(string)
Gets the current value of the device time counter
bool SetTimeCounter(string, string)
Sets the current value of the time counter
uint16 GetMemoryStorageInterval(string)
Gets the current value of the memory storage interval
bool SetMemoryStorageInterval(int, string)
Sets the current time interval for memory storage
SensorData GetLatestSensorData(string)
Provides sensor data related to ambient conditions
CalcData GetLatestCalculationData(string)
Provides device-calculated data related to environmental conditions
SensorData GetLatestSensorFlags(string)
Provides the ability to monitor thresholds for the sensor data related to ambient conditions
CalcFlags GetLatestCalculationFlags(string)
Provides the ability to monitor thresholds for device-calculated data
AccelStatus GetLatestAccelerationStatus(string)
Provides acceleration status pertaining to device vibration and vibration on structures
MemInfo GetLatestMemoryInfo(string)
Provides current memory data
SensorData GetMemorySensorData(int64, string)
Provides current memory sensor data at the specified memory index
CalcData GetMemoryCalculationData(int64, string)
Provides current device-calculated data at the specified memory index
SensorFlags GetMemorySensorFlags(int64, string)
Provides current sensor flag info at the specified memory index
CalcFlags GetMemoryCalculationFlags(int64, string)
Provides current device-calculated data at the specified memory index
VibrationInfo GetVibrationCount(string)
The number of vibrations or earthquakes detected
AccelHeader GetMemoryAccelerationHeader(int, int, string)
Get the header information for an acceleration event stored in memory
AccelData[] GetMemoryAccelerationData(int, int, int, string)
Gets an array of acceleration header data stored in memory
EventSettings GetEventSettings(int, string)
Get the settings for a sensor event
bool SetEventSettings(EventType, ThreshType, int, bool, int, int, string)
Set the settings for a sensor event
int GetMode(string)
Get the current device mode
bool SetMode(int, string)
Change the device mode
bool ResetMemory(int, string)
Clear the device memory
AccelLogStatus GetAccelerationLogStatus(string)
Get the current acceleration logger status
bool EnableAccelerationLog(bool, int, int, int, string)
Begin or stop recording acceleration data
InstallationOffset GetInstallationOffset(string)
Get device calibration data
bool SetInstallationOffset(OffsetType, bool, double, string)
Set the device calibration values
LEDSetting GetLEDState(LEDSetting, string)
Get the current state of the LED
bool SetLEDState(LEDSetting, int, int, int, int, string)
Set the device's LED state
LEDOperationSetting GetLEDStateOperation(string)
Get the current operation state of the LED
bool SetLEDStateOperation(int, int, int, string)
Set the LED state for various operation modes
BLESettings GetBLEAdvertisingSettings(string)
Get the current BLE settings
bool SetBLEAdvertisingSettings(int, int, string)
Set the BLE settings

Related Types

Type Signature
Class DeviceInfo
This object includes specific device information that can be used to identify the hardware, firmware, and manufacturing properties
Class SensorData
This object includes data from the ambient sensor
Class SensorFlags
Various thresholds for monitoring the data collected by the sensor
Class CalcData
This object includes device-calculated data from the various sensors
Class CalcFlags
Thresholds for monitoring different levels of data calculated by the device
Class AccelStatus
Monitor or set the acceleration data pertaining to device vibration and structural vibration
Class AccelHeader
Acceleration information pertaining to calculated data or sensor data
Class AccelData
Current calculated acceleration data
Class MemInfo
Current available memory info
Class VibrationInfo
Current available vibration and earthquake count
Class SensorEventSettings
The configured settings for a sensor event
Class AccelEventSettings
The configured settings for a sensor event in acceleration logger mode
Class AccelLogStatus
The status and running page of the acceleration log
Class InstallationOffset
The calibration offsets for each sensor
Class LEDSetting
The current LED setting
Class LEDOperationSetting
The current LED operation setting
Class BLESettings
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertising settings
Enum EventType
Event types that can be used to access the sensor and acceleration data events
Enum ThresType
The type of event threshold
Enum OffsetType
The calibration offset type
Enum LEDState
The LED state