KioVidyo Object


Type Signature
void AnswerCall()
Answers an incoming call.
void DeclineCall()
Declines answering an incoming call.
void Leave()
Leaves or ends a meeting or call.
void SetSpeakerVolume(double percent)
Sets Vidyo speaker volume level from 0.0 to 100.0 percent.
double GetSpeakerVolume()
Gets Vidyo speaker volume level from 0.0 to 100.0 percent.
void SetMicVolume(double percent)
Sets Vidyo microphone volume level from 0.0 to 100.0 percent.
double GetMicVolume()
Gets Vidyo microphone volume level from 0.0 to 100.0 percent.
void MuteSpeaker(bool mute)
Mutes or unmutes the Vidyo speaker.
bool isSpeakerMuted()
Gets whether or not the Vidyo speaker volume is muted.
void MuteMic(bool mute)
Mutes or unmutes the Vidyo microphone.
bool isMicMuted()
Gets whether or not the Vidyo microphone volume is muted.
void SetPreviewMode(PreviewMode mode)
Sets self preview mode for video display.
string CallUserByEmail(string email)
Calls a user by their email address.
string CallUserByEmail(string email)
Calls a user by their email address.
string CallUserByDisplayName(string displayName)
Calls a user by their display name.
string CallUserByNumber(string number)
Calls a user by their number (or extension).
string CallUserById(string id)
Calls a user by their id.
string CallRoomByNumber(string number)
Calls a room by number.
string CallRoomById(string id)
Calls a room by ID.
string GetUserIdFromEmail(string email)
Gets a user id from an email address.