KioGPIOBoard Class


Type Signature
GPIOTypes GetType(string)
Returns the type of GPIO device referenced.
bool GetIsOpen(GPIOTypes)
Determines if the specified GPIO device, by type, is open.
string GetName(GPIOTypes)
Gets the name of the GPIO device, by type.
bool SetPortStates(int64, string)
Toggles the on/off or high/low state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
bool SetPortStates64(int, int, string)
Toggles the on/off or high/low state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
bool SetPortState(int, bool, string)
Toggles the on/off or high/low state of a port/pin.
int64 GetPortStates(string)
Gets the on/off or high/low state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
int[] GetPortStates64(string)
Gets the on/off or high/low state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
bool GetPortState(string)
Gets the on/off or high/low state of a port/pin.
bool SetPortIOStates(int64, string)
Toggles the input/output state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
bool SetPortIOStates64(int, int, string)
Toggles the input/output state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
int64 GetPortIOStates(string)
Gets the input/output state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
int[] GetPortIOStates64(string)
Gets the input/output state of ports/pins, each represented by one bit.
int ReadVoltage(int, string)
Reads the current voltage of the specified port/pin.
bool SetPortDutyCycle(int, int, string)
Sets the duty cycle of the specified port/pin.
int GetPortDutyCycle(int, string)
Gets the duty cycle of the specified port/pin.

Related Types

Type Signature
Enum GPIOTypes
Types of GPIO devices.