KioBrowser Class

KioBrowser will run in the main browser window. It inhereits from KioFrame, therefore all of the KioFrame functions can be called via KioBrowser. KioBrowser should be used in instances where the script should be run in the main browser window from and secondary window such as a Toolbar or docked browser.


Type Signature
void GoBack()
Navigates the active browser to the previous page
void GoForward()
Navigates the active browser one page forward
bool CanGoBack()
Determines if the active browser can go back to the previous page
bool CanGoForward()
Determines if the active browser can go forward
void Find(string, bool)
Searches the page for a specified text value
double GetZoom()
Gets the zoom level of the active browser
double SetZoom(double)
Sets the zoom level of the active browser
void Reload()
Reloads the active browser page
void StopLoad()
Stops loading the active browser
void Focus()
Puts input focus on the calling browser
int SetDockedElementsVisible(bool?, string, ElementType)
Controls the visibility of docked elements
void MessageBox(string, string, int)
Shows a message to the user in a centered window