KioApp Class

This class provides support for calling application-level functions in KioWare. Methods in this class can provide or alter application state, such as detecting whether a session is active, forcing a session to end or begin, and getting KioWare process information.

Most functions run synchronously, unless noted.


Type Signature
int GetLastUserActivityTime()
The number of milliseconds as a timestamp for the most recent user activity
string GetProperty(string)
Gets a KioWare property by name
int64 GetProcessUptime()
Gets the KioWare process uptime in system ticks
int64 GetProcessUptimeMs()
Gets the KioWare process uptime in milliseconds
bool IsUrlBlocked(string, bool)
Checks the browsing ACL to determine whether a URL would be blocked
bool InjectJavaScript(string, string, bool, KioBrowserWndType, KioBrowserType)
Injects JavaScript into the selected browsers
string GetToolbarSettings()
Gets JSON encoded settings for the calling toolbar browser
bool IsSessionActive()
Detects if there is a KioWare user session active
void BeginSession()
Starts a KioWare user session, or extends the current session
void EndSession()
Ends the KioWare user session
void RestartKioware(bool)
Causes the KioWare process to exit and restart
void StartKeyboard(string, string, string, bool, string, string)
Runs the configured virtual keyboard
void CloseKeyboard(int)
Closes the virtual keyboard
void IsKeyboardShowing()
Detects if the virtual keyboard is showing or not
void LogInfo(string)
Logs an informational log to the KW Platform event log
void LogWarn(string)
Logs a warning log to the KW Platform event log
void LogErr(string)
Logs an error log to the KW Platform event log
void LogDiag(string)
Logs a diagnostics log to the KW Platform event log
string CreateAppLog(string, string)
Creates a KioWare app log entry
string AddAppLogData(string, string, string)
Adds more data to an existing app log entry
string DoUrlSubstitution(string, int)
Performs URL substitutions on the provided URL
void Exit()
Bypasses configured exit patterns and exits KioWare without prompting
bool ExitPrompt()
Bypasses configured exit patterns and displays the exit passcode prompt
bool ExitActionHandler(string)
Executes the exit action handler identified by password
KioBrowserWndType GetKioBrowserWndType()
Returns the window type of the calling browser
int SetDockedElementsVisible(string, string, DockedElementTypeMask, KioBrowserType)
Controls the visibility of docked UI elements such as toolbars and docked browsers
bool StartScreenReader()
Starts a configured screen reader
void StopScreenReader()
Stops the screen reader
bool IsScreenReaderRunning()
Indicates the running state of the screen reader

Related Types

Type Signature
Enum KioBrowserWndType
A list of browser window types in KioWare
Enum KioBrowserType
A list of browser types in KioWare
Enum DockedElementTypeMask
A list of possible docked UI element types