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KioWare for Android now supports KioCall!


KioCallKioWare® has released a new video conferencing product for use with kiosks running KioWare for Android. Version 3.11 of KioWare for Android is also now available, supporting the new KioCall remote video conferencing app.

KioCall is a new video conferencing product specifically for use on kiosks running KioWare kiosk software.  The new version of KioWare for Android now supports KioCall, enabling easy to configure & deploy kiosk to kiosk - or kiosk to call center - video conferencing. Video conferencing kiosks can add value as a virtual receptionist, remote customer service/sales contact, techical support, doctor/medical contact, and more.

KioWare for Android allows users to secure their Android device into a purposed device or kiosk for customer, employee, or public access.  KioWare creates a kiosk environment, setting a start page, custom toolbar, attract mode, and restricting access to only the applications and/or websites allowed. The new KioCall video conferencing app, when used on KioWare for Windows or KioWare for Android, allows kiosk users to initiate or receive video chats with another kiosk, desktop user, or group. Features include queue calling (first available attendant), screen sharing, group calling, and user to user calling.

Version 3.11 of of KioWare for Android (Lite, Basic, & Full with Kiosk Management) has added support for KioCall video conferencing.  Using KioWare for Android on a user kiosk and the KioCall application on a receiving PC, users can add video customer service to any kiosk project.  Via KioWare’s config tool, a call button can easily be added to the kiosk. This allows kiosk users to call a preset user or group and request customer service.  With KioCall, video conferencing is reliable and robust while also extremely inexpensive and requires trivial effort to add to your device.

KioCall works with all KioWare for Windows & KioWare for Android products. KioCall also works for calling independently of KioWare.  KioCall is available via an annual subscription with pre-purchased minute plans based on anticipated usage. View the website for details.

KioWare  for Android Version 3.11 also adds a number of performance improvements.  

  • Support has been added for a Scripting ACL to control access to KioWare Javascript functions – a new developer-friendly tool.
  • This version improves the interaction between “Prevent Screen Sleep” & “Screen Schedule” settings
  • Camera image capturing is now an available option from HTML file input
  • When configuring KioWare for Android, options now exist to overwrite the existing settings rather than choosing to merge them into existing settings

Call 717.843.4790 for more information about using video conferencing on your kiosks using KioCall. 

Support must be current to upgrade. 

For a full description of features added for this and other version of the KioWare product line, view version history.

All of these products are available as a free trial with nag screen. Existing clients have the ability to upgrade.

KioWare has been providing OS, desktop, and browser lockdown security for the kiosk and self-service industry since 2001. 

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