IKioCall Interface

Provides functionality for leveraging KioCall for voice and video communication.


Type Signature
bool StartCall(EndpointName name, bool isConference = false, int ringSecs = -1)
Start an outgoing call to a single user, kiosk, or group.
bool StartCall(IEnumerable<EndpointName> names, bool isConference = false, int ringSecs = -1)
Start an outgoing call to a multiple users, kiosks, and/or groups.
void EndCall()
End the current call if there is a call active.


Type Signature
bool IsCallActive
Gets whether there is currently an active call or not.
bool SelfViewEnabled
Gets or sets whether the self-view window should be visible.
bool ScreenShareEnabled
Gets or sets whether screen sharing should be enabled or not.
UserList UserList
Gets the current user list.


Type Signature
EventHandler<KioCallStartedEventArgs> CallStarted
Event that is called when a call is started.
EventHandler<KioCallEndedEventArgs> CallEnded
Event that is called when a call is ended.
EventHandler<KioCallUserJoinedEventArgs> UserJoined
Event that is called when a user joins the current call.
EventHandler<KioCallUserListUpdatedEventArgs> UserListUpdated
Event that is called when the user list has been updated.
EventHandler<KioCallUserListEntryUpdatedEventArgs> UserListEntryUpdated
Event that is called when a user list entry has been updated.