Class LicenseInfo

An object containing licensing information for the device.


Name Description
useLicenseServer bool
If true, the device acquires a license through KioWare Server.
model string
The model of the product currently in use (Lite, Basic, Full).
company string
The name of the company that the software is licensed to.
isLicensed bool
True, if a valid license exists. False otherwise.
errMsg string
A message detailing why the license not not valid.
licenseCode string
The license code currently entered into this device.
sysCode string
The device system code.
deviceName string
The name of the device.
expireDate long
The expiration date for the current license, in seconds since the epoch.
serverURL string
If using a license server, the URL for that server.


KioWare for Android version 3.17 or greater.