KioFileIO Object


Type Signature
string GetDirectoryList(string rootdir, bool listDirectories, string extensionFilter, int sortFlags)
Gets a list of files and directories at a specified location.
string CreateDirectory(string dirPath)
Creates a directory, and returns true if the directory was created.
string CreateFile(string filePath)
Creates a file, and returns true if the file was created.
string DeleteFile(string filePath)
Deletes a file, and returns true if the file was deleted.
string DeleteDirectory(string, bool)
Deletes a directory from the filesystem.
string MoveFile(string, string)
Moves a file or directory from one location on the filesystem to another.
string ReadFileData(string filePath, int64 startPosition, int byteLength, bool base64Return)
Reads bytes from a file.
string ReadFileText(string filePath, int64 maxCharsToRead)
Reads characters from a file.
string WriteFileData(string filePath, string bytes, bool append)
Writes bytes to a file.
string WriteFileText(string filePath, string text, bool append)
Writes text to a file.
string WriteFileDataBase64(string filePath, string base64Data, bool append)
Writes base-64 encoded data to a file.