KioEMV Class

Supports GoChip Unattended iuc285 EMV Solutions.


Type Signature
boolean isInitialized()
Checks if parameters have been initialized.
boolean isConnected()
Checks if KioWare is connected to the device.
boolean isBusy()
Checks if the device or the SDK is busy processing.
String getLastResponse()
Gets the most recent EMVTransactionResponse.
boolean setParameters(String)
Initializes the SDK with the provided parameters.
boolean connectToDevice()
Connects to the payment device.
boolean processTransaction(String)
Processes a sale or refund transaction.
boolean cancelTransaction()
Cancels an in-progress transaction.

Page Callbacks

Type Signature
function(boolean success) onKioEMVInitialized
Success is true if initialized successfully.
function(boolean success) onKioEMVDeviceConnected
Success is true if connected to device.
function(EMVTransactionResponse response) onKioEMVTransactionComplete
Response contains transaction response data.

Related Types

Type Signature
Object EMVParameters
Values that are used to initialize the SDK.
Object EMVTransaction
Values for recording transaction data.
Object EMVTransactionResponse
Values for recording recent transaction information.