IHostUICallbacks Interface

The interface that the config tool provides for calling Config Tool Host Callbacks


Type Signature
bool GetPathViaOpenDialog(out string filePath, string szFilter, string szDefaultExt, string szInitialDir)
Prompts the user to select a file with an Open File Dialog.
bool GetFolderPath(out string folderPath)
Prompts the user to Select a Folder with the Directory Picker.
MessageBoxResult MessageBox(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon)
Displays a Windows Message Box to the user.
MessageBoxResult MessageBox(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult)
Displays a Windows Message Box to the user.
Font GetFontSelection(Font SelectedFont)
Displays a Windows font chooser dialog window to the user.
void ShowBusyIndicator(string Message, bool Show)
Displays the Config Tool busy indicator overlay, blocking user input.