KioOmronHVC Class

This class provides support for interacting with the Omron HVC device. All functions are synchronous unless otherwise noted.


Type Signature
OmronHVCInfo GetDeviceInfo(string)
Returns information about an Omron HVC device.
bool SetCameraAngle(int, string)
Set the camera angle for the device.
int GetCameraAngle(string)
Retrieves the current angle of the device's camera.
bool SetThresholdValues(int, int, int, int, string)
Sets the device threshold levels.
OmronHVCThresholds GetThresholdValues(string)
Returns thresholds for an Omron HVC device.
bool SetDetectionSizes(int, int, int, int, int, int, string)
Sets the device detection bounds values.
OmronHVCDetectionSizes GetDetectionSizes(string)
Returns detection sizes for an Omron HVC device.
bool SetFaceAngle(int, int, string)
Sets the camera face angle.
OmronHVCFaceAngle GetFaceAngle(string)
Retrieves the current camera face angle.
bool SetUARTRate(int, string)
Sets the device baud rate.
string RegisterFaceData(int, int, string)
Registers face data on the device.
bool DeleteFaceData(int, int, string)
Deletes previously registered face data.
bool DeleteUserData(int, string)
Deletes any previously stored user data.
bool DeleteAllData(string)
Deletes all previously stored data.
int GetRegistrationInfo(int, string)
Retrieves registration slot usage for all 10 data slots of a specified user.
bool SaveAlbum(string, string)
Saves the album to disk.
bool LoadAlbum(string, string)
Loads the album from disk.
bool SaveAlbumToFlash(string)
Saves the album to internal flash memory.
bool ReformatFlash(string)
Erases and formats the internal flash memory.
OmronHVCDetectionResults GetDetectionResults(OmronHVCDetectionAlgorithms, string)
Returns current detection results.

Related Types

Type Signature
Class OmronHVCInfo
An object representing current device information for an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCThresholds
An object containing threshold information for an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCDetectionSizes
An object containing detection sizes for an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCFaceAngle
An object containing face angle information for an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCDetectionResults
An object containing detection results for an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCDetection
An object containing properties for a detected object from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCFaceDetection
An object containing detection results for an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCFaceDirection
An object containing properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCAgeEstimation
An object containing age estimation properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCGenderEstimation
An object containing gender estimation properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCGazeEstimation
An object containing gaze estimation properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCBlinkEstimation
An object containing blink estimation properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCExpressionEstimation
An object containing expression estimation properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Class OmronHVCFaceRecognition
An object containing facial recognition properties for a detected face from an Omron HVC device.
Enum OmronHVCDetectionAlgorithms
A list of detection algorithms for the Omron HVC device.