IBrowserManager Interface

Provides functions for interacting with KioWare browser instances.


Type Signature
Guid? ActiveBrowserId
Gets the id of the current active browser.


Type Signature
string GetUrl(Guid? browserId)
Gets the current url of this browser.
bool ExecuteScriptOnPage(Guid? browserId, string script)
Executes a block of JavaScript on the current page.
bool ExecuteScriptInBrowser(string browserName, bool includeAllFrames, string script)
Executes a block of JavaScript in the designated browser control.
bool ExecuteScriptInBrowser(Guid browserId, bool includeAllFrames, string script)
Executes a block of JavaScript in the designated browser control.
bool ExecuteScriptInBrowser(string script, bool includeAllFrames = false, WindowType windowTypes = WindowType.StandardBrowsers, BrowserType browserType = BrowserType.All)
Executes a block of JavaScript in the designated browser controls.
string JavaScriptStringEncode(string value)
Encodes a string for use in a block of JavaScript.
bool Navigate(Guid? browserId, string url)
Navigate this browser to a specific URL.
bool Home(Guid? browserId)
Navigate this browser to it's home page.
bool CanGoForward(Guid? browserId)
Check to see if the browser has any forward history items.
bool Forward(Guid? browserId)
Go forward in this browser's history.
bool CanGoBack(Guid? browserId)
Check to see if the browser has any back history items.
bool Back(Guid? browserId)
Go back in this browser's history.
bool Refresh(Guid? browserId, bool ignoreCache = false)
Reload the current page.
string DoUrlSubstitution(string input, UrlReplacementMode mode = UrlReplacementMode.UriUnescaped)
Does string substitution of standard KioWare URL replacement constants.


Type Signature
EventHandler<ScriptErrorEventArgs> ScriptErrorOccurred
Called when a JavaScript error occurs in a browser.
BeforeFileDownloadDelegate BeforeFileDownload
Called before a file is downloaded.
FileDownloadProgressDelegate FileDownloadProgress
Called to indicate status of a downloaded.


Type Signature
void BeforeFileDownloadDelegate(BeforeFileDownloadEventArgs args)
Delegate used for the BeforeFileDownload event.
void FileDownloadProgressDelegate(FileDownloadProgressEventArgs args)
Delegate used for the FileDownloadProgress event.