KioCallTerminateReasons Enum

Reason flags used when a call is ended.

Enum Values

Type Signature
0 Unknown
(1 << 0) RingTimeout
Ring timeout.
(1 << 1) Rejected
(1 << 2) Busy
(1 << 3) EndpointDisconnect
The endpoint has been disconnected from the server.
(1 << 4) PingMismatch
In-call ping mismatch.
(1 << 5) MessageSendFailure
Call request message failed to send.
(1 << 6) NoEndpointsAvailable
No endpoints are available.
(1 << 7) InvalidChannelId
Invalid call.
(1 << 8) AlreadyAnswered
Queue call has already been answered.
(1 << 9) EndpointMessage
The call was ended normally.
(1 << 10) AllAlone
All other call participants have left.
(1 << 11) EngineError
A communication error has occurred.
(1 << 12) PingTimeout
In-call pings have failed to send or to be received.