KioWareAddinSettings.KWLabel Class

Subclass of KioWareAddinSettings. A label addin setting.


Type Signature
Constructor KWLabel()
Creates a new KWLabel instance.
KWLabel setTitle(String title)
Sets the title of this setting.
KWLabel setSummary(String summary)
Sets the summary of this setting.
KWLabel setIcon(Drawable icon)
Sets the icon to display for this setting.
KWLabel setOnKWAddinChangeListener(OnKWAddinChangeListener onKWAddinChangeListener)
Sets an OnKWAddinChangeListener for this setting, whose accept() method will be called when the value of this setting changes.
String getTitle()
Gets the title of this setting.
String getSummary()
Gets the summary of this setting.
Drawable getIcon()
Gets the icon of this setting.