IKioWareSettings Interface

An interface that defines the KioWare functionality that is available to an addin.


Type Signature
Boolean getBoolean(String key)
Gets a boolean value associated with key.
String getString(String key)
Gets a String value associated with key.
Integer getInt(String key)
Gets an integer value associated with key.
void setSetting(String key, Boolean value)
Set the boolean value associated with a key.
void setSetting(String key, String value)
Set the String value associated with a key.
void setSetting(String key, Integer value)
Set the integer value associated with a key.
Boolean getNonExportedBoolean(String key)
Gets a boolean value associated with key.
String getNonExportedString(String key)
Gets a String value associated with key.
Integer getNonExportedInt(String key)
Gets an integer value associated with key.
void setNonExportedSetting(String key, Boolean value)
Set the boolean value associated with a key.
void setNonExportedSetting(String key, String value)
Set the String value associated with a key.
void setNonExportedSetting(String key, Integer value)
Set the integer value associated with a key.