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New Version of KioWare Lite Released


Version 4.3.7 of KioWare Lite has been released. The new release contains:

Error Handling
A URL can be specified for KioWare Lite to redirect to whenever a web server error is reported. Furthermore, there is the option to pass, as a URL querystring, the error number and filename upon which your error handler script can act.

HTML Mailto tags can now be explicitly locked out. Previously, you had to add Mailto: into the domain blocking list. There is also the ability to individually prevent right mouse click context menu activation in ActiveX controls, although for this release only Flash is supported. Additional ActiveX controls will be added as requested.

Attract Screens
Each attract screen can now have its own display period, so that, for example, if a rich content page requires longer to read, its display time can be increased. Also currently, there is only one entry point into the web application, and it is defined by the Start Page URL parameter. This release allows each attract screen to be defined as an entry point into the web application. This feature is useful for advertising kiosks - each ad (attract screen) goes to its own set of pages. Also useful for advertising kiosks, there is the option to have the attract screen start off from where it left off. Previously, each time attract screen mode was entered the first attract screen automatically loaded which skewed ad display counts.

Security Devices
The IO Networks Watchport™ proximity switch is now a supported security device. Security devices are used to determine a user’s presence and consequently start or stop the user session.

Electronic Licensing
Improved proxy server support
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